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News & Media

Amplifying Traditional Owner voices in the media, raising Traditional Owner concerns through advocacy and celebrating Traditional Owner vision through policy is at the core of our work.

We do this through publications, media and engagement.

Discussion Papers

The development of the Federation’s treaty Discussion Papers was funded by the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) to support Aboriginal Victorians with the transition to treaty.

The Federation released six papers, developed to align with the insights and questions posed during Traditional Owner treaty engagement meetings.

The discussion papers successfully stimulate ideas, discussion and debate about treaty and agreement making in Victoria.

View all Discussion Papers

Annual Reports

The Federation publishes its financial statements detailing the group’s financial performance and that of its subsidiary companies.

The accounts are prepared in accordance with Australian Accounting standards, and as a registered charity, the Federation is subject to regulation by the Australian Charities and Not for Profits Commission.

View all Annual Reports

Media Statements

Traditional Owners must be at the heart of managing culturally significant native species

Victorian Government must protect and respect native dingoes, say Traditional Owner groups

Federation celebrates Wamba Wemba Aboriginal Corporation’s formal recognition (13 August 2024)

Victorian Opposition must end racist blame and get the facts straight on cultural heritage (29 July 2024)

Victorian Traditional Owner groups ready for cultural management of Country through increased IPAs (12 July 2024)

Aboriginal dispossession must wind up with VicForests (30 June 2024)

Traditional Owner groups welcome dedicated education funding as a step towards self-determination (31 May 2024)

Stolen water wealth must be returned to Traditional Owners through Murray-Darling Basin buybacks (20 May 2024)

Governments must restore and respect Traditional Owners’ authority for Budget pledges to be meaningful (15 May 2024)

Historic Bakaru Wayaparrangu agreement will redress past injustice and enable Traditional Owners’ prosperity (14 May 2024)

Victorian Government ministers must follow Yoorrook Justice Commission testimony with action (2 May 2024)

Victorian Government doesn’t fully understand self-determination, Yoorrook Justice Commission hears (17 April 2024)

Victorian Government must commit to Aboriginal-owned water title for Murray-Darling Basin (12 April 2024)

Declaration of the Southern Ocean offshore wind area does not respect Traditional Owner rights and responsibilities for Sea Country (18 March 2024)

Aboriginal Culture and Healing Flood Recovery Grant Program (6 March 2024)

Governments must commit to the work of Closing the Gap (7 February 2024)

View all Media Statements

Strategic Plans

The Federation is the Victorian state-wide body that convenes and advocates for the rights and interests of Traditional Owners while progressing wider social, economic, environmental and cultural objectives.

We support the progress of agreement-making and participation in decision-making to enhance the authority of Traditional Owner Corporations on behalf of their communities. Together, our joint purpose is to facilitate and amplify a strong voice for Traditional Owners and progress our shared interests.

View all Strategic Plans

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Its great to see our testimony to the national truth and justice commission bill in the national media.

National Indigenous Times and Yahoo News Australia picked up this AAP article, which covers Pauls testimony from Tuesday – where we made the case for a permanent commission with strong processes for sharing stories in culturally safe and varied ways.


It's great to see our testimony to the national truth and justice commission bill in the national media.

National Indigenous Times and Yahoo News Australia picked up this AAP article, which covers Paul's testimony from Tuesday – where we made the case for a permanent commission with strong processes for sharing stories in culturally safe and varied ways.

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“This is a crucial step in restoring and rebalancing power relationships in this country and laying the foundation for treaty.”

This afternoon our CEO Paul Paton appeared at the public hearings for the draft Truth and Justice Commission Bill, which – if passed – would create a national truth-telling body to investigate historic and ongoing injustices again Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, like Victoria’s Yoorrook Justice Commission.

In a wide-ranging discussion, Paul answered questions spanning the Commission’s funding and timespan, the importance of cultural authority and best practice for community consultation, different types of evidence-giving and ensuring marginalised people can have their voices heard, considerations in appointing Commissioners, lessons from Yoorrook, and whether to wait until its final report before commencing a national process (it was a firm “don’t wait” from us there).

Our submission – which Paul spoke to – outlines how a future Commission could be culturally safe, robust and rights-based, and centres Traditional Owner Corporations as representative, inclusive community bodies that have a central role to play in truth-telling and treaty processes.

Thank you to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for the opportunity to participate.

Senator Jana Stewart David Shoebridge Senator Dorinda Cox


“This is a crucial step in restoring and rebalancing power relationships in this country and laying the foundation for treaty.”

This afternoon our CEO Paul Paton appeared at the public hearings for the draft Truth and Justice Commission Bill, which – if passed – would create a national truth-telling body to investigate historic and ongoing injustices again Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, like Victoria’s Yoorrook Justice Commission.

In a wide-ranging discussion, Paul answered questions spanning the Commission’s funding and timespan, the importance of cultural authority and best practice for community consultation, different types of evidence-giving and ensuring marginalised people can have their voices heard, considerations in appointing Commissioners, lessons from Yoorrook, and whether to wait until its final report before commencing a national process (it was a firm “don’t wait” from us there).

Our submission – which Paul spoke to – outlines how a future Commission could be culturally safe, robust and rights-based, and centres Traditional Owner Corporations as representative, inclusive community bodies that have a central role to play in truth-telling and treaty processes.

Thank you to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for the opportunity to participate.

Senator Jana Stewart David Shoebridge Senator Dorinda Cox

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It’s public hearings for the truth-telling bill, and we’re thrilled to be appearing at the Aboriginal Advancement League today.

Federation CEO Paul Paton will speak at a public hearing for the draft Truth and Justice Commission Bill, which – if passed – would create a national truth-telling body to investigate historic and ongoing injustices again Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, like Victoria’s Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Paul will speak to our submission to the Bill, which urged a future Commission to seek cultural and community authority (including through engaging with Traditional Owner Corporations), embed internationally established Indigenous human rights into its design, and take the best parts of Yoorrook Justice Commission – to ensure a truth-telling process that is culturally safe and meaningful.

Thank you to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for the opportunity, and to senators Senator Dorinda Cox and David Shoebridge for proposing this Bill – an important step towards heeding the call of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.


It’s public hearings for the truth-telling bill, and we’re thrilled to be appearing at the Aboriginal Advancement League today.

Federation CEO Paul Paton will speak at a public hearing for the draft Truth and Justice Commission Bill, which – if passed – would create a national truth-telling body to investigate historic and ongoing injustices again Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, like Victoria’s Yoorrook Justice Commission.

Paul will speak to our submission to the Bill, which urged a future Commission to seek cultural and community authority (including through engaging with Traditional Owner Corporations), embed internationally established Indigenous human rights into its design, and take the best parts of Yoorrook Justice Commission – to ensure a truth-telling process that is culturally safe and meaningful.

Thank you to the Joint Standing Committee on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs for the opportunity, and to senators Senator Dorinda Cox and David Shoebridge for proposing this Bill – an important step towards heeding the call of the Uluru Statement from the Heart.

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