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Traditional Owners have sustainably managed landscapes and resources for millennia, and must be central in responding to today’s climate challenges.

Responding to climate change is an opportunity to restore Traditional Owner rights and authority.


Traditional Owners have cared for and managed Country for thousands of generations. Their knowledge and expertise can meet the challenges of a rapidly warming and volatile climate – and the clean energy transition can provide opportunities for economic independence to Traditional Owner groups.

The Federation facilitates opportunities for Traditional Owners to be involved in renewable energy development and climate change mitigation and adaptation activities.

Photo: Solar panel in Uluru-Kata Tjuta National Park, Alessia Francischiello

The Federation brings together Victorian Traditional Owners with legal and energy sector experts to share knowledge, issues, objectives and strategies relating to renewable energy reform. This facilitation enables Traditional Owner groups to share challenges and opportunities, and to speak with a strong and unified voice to decision-makers.

Learn more about the Victorian Traditional Owner Renewable Energy Forum

The Victorian Government’s BushBank program will revegetate land to store carbon and restore animal habitats. The Federation is facilitating the co-design of the Walking Together Framework, which will set the foundations for meaningful Traditional Owner engagement in the BushBank program.

Learn more about the Bushbank program
