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The Federation’s advocacy shapes the landscape in which Victorian Traditional Owner corporations do their important work.

We have put cultural fire and cultural water on the agenda for government, sought greater protections for Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property, fought for a fair place in the expanding native foods and botanicals industry, championed treaty and self-determination, supported a drastic reconsideration of how our cultural heritage is approached at both state and national levels, and worked to have economic development considered as more than just small business grants.


Our advocacy campaigns raise awareness of the issues important to Traditional Owners.


To progress our work and amplify the voices of Traditional Owners, the Federation makes submissions to policy, regulatory and statutory reviews.


Cultural Water

Cultural management of water sustains and measures the health of Country and contributes to cultural practise and economic development.


Traditional Owners play a critical role in the way we respond to climate change.

Land Rights

Traditional Owners are the authority on managing Country and its assets.


Our unique rights and responsibilities must be respected.