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2023 Proposed Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Area- Southern Ocean Region Submission


We take the opportunity to make a submission to provide feedback on the Proposed Offshore Renewable Energy Infrastructure Area Southern Ocean Region (Proposed Area) and advocate for embedding the principles of Traditional Owner self-determination and free, prior and informed consent in the development of the offshore renewable energy. Download the Submission 20230831 Submission on Southern Ocean Region- Proposed OREI Area

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2023 Native Bird Hunting Submission


The Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations welcome the opportunity to provide a submission to Victoria’s recreational native bird hunting arrangements. Download the Submission 20230505 Native Bird Hunting (1)

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2023 Review of National Agreement on Closing the Gap Submission


The Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations (Federation) welcomes the opportunity to provide comments to inform the Productivity Commission’s proposed approach to assessing progress of the National Agreement on Closing the Gap and how it is being implemented. We thank the Commission for accepting our comments beyond the official closing date and hope you find value in our comments and issues raised. Download the Submission FVTOC Submission to Productivity Commission 27012023

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2023 National Biodiversity Market Submission


The Federation of Victorian Traditional Owner Corporations welcomes the opportunity to make a submission to provide feedback on the National Biodiversity Market (NBM) and its potential opportunities and impacts on the interests of Victorian Traditional Owners. Download the Submission 20230916 Submission on the National Biodiversity Market

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