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Country is the central pillar of our work and strategy, because healthy Country means healthy community.

Traditional Owner conceptions of Country recognises the intrinsic interconnectedness of everything. They encompass all aspects of the landscape, mountains, the sky, the sea, rivers, plants, animals, stories, fire, places, people, everything. Caring for Country is intrinsically holistic.



Traditional Owners continue the cultural practices of their ancestors in sustainably managing animals, which brings spiritual, ceremonial, ecological and economic benefits.


Traditional Owners are applying generations of experience to climate change mitigation and adaptation, and to harness economic opportunities from the renewable energy transition.

Closing the Gap

Guiding Victoria’s work towards improved life outcomes for First Peoples.

Cultural Landscapes

A cultural landscape approach will systematically enable and empower Victorian Traditional Owners to activate cultural knowledge and practices to manage Country.


Applying cultural fire allows Traditional Owners to heal Country and fulfill their rights and obligations to care for Country.


Protecting cultural heritage is essential in understanding history and continuing connections with Country and culture.


Traditional Owners have the right to restore and reclaim custodianship of native plant knowledge, practices and resources.


Recognising Traditional Owners’ right to manage water brings ecological, economic, cultural and community benefits.